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School Digitalization is a must to embrace the future of Education

School Digitalization is a must to embrace the future of Education

The recent years have witnessed great movements in education. Due to Covid-19, more than 90% of the countries adopted digital and/or broadcast remote learning policies (as per data of UNICEF). Education has been re-shaped. School Digitalization Solution is now a must, for the sake of the management, teachers, parents & students.

School digitalization enables an effective and cost-saving management process

The conventional management process is too ineffective

Traditional ways to handle tuition fees or service payments, class enrollment, and attendance checks are ineffective. This is because the school staff has to take written notes and record documents physically. The amount of paperwork is huge, resulting in inaccurate information and prolonged process. It’s also very difficult to maintain the work under a crisis such as a pandemic.

These traditional ways no longer work in the digital era. Payment is now online. The pandemic has also prevented people from traveling to schools, thus, class enrollment and learning mostly occur at home. As a lot of processes go online, schools need a Web-based solution to handle all of them.

Image: School Digitalization, by Academyfront

The School Digitalization will enhance a more effective automatic process

  • Administration/Registration: The process can be made using a form on a mobile application or website, just within a click! Besides, all the data is auto-recorded for future analysis to decrease the drop-out rate.
  • Attendance check: There is easy check-in thanks to the technology. Teachers will no longer have to call each student in their class by name to check attendance. Schools can manage the attendance of students and staff thanks to the real-time data of their check-ins and check-outs. This helps boost transparency and efficiency.
  • Payment: Parents can pay directly to the school in a matter of seconds. The payment is smooth, transparent, and can be easily recorded.

School Digitalization streamlines your processes. The managers can get real-time updates and control everything utilizing only one application.

Apart from the higher effectiveness, schools can also reduce the cost of operation. Since schools don’t have to handle everything manually, they will be able to decrease manual work. As a result, a smaller workforce is required, saving the schools a lot of money.

A good example of this is Helen. The School Digitalization Solution integrates a lot of functions that help save time and cost, such as:

  • Attendance Check: Use fingerprints or student/teacher cards
  • Bus Management: Create, plan and manage optimal bus routes
  • Billing and Debit: Receive online payment via a web portal or mobile app
  • Enrollment & Re-Enrollment: Create, edit and analyze enrollment
  • Purchasing Management System: View real-time data and reports of purchasing orders and budget spent

School digitalization helps schools, teachers, and parents communicate easily

There’s no doubt that communication among schools, teachers, and parents is of great importance. The communication allows for school-family collaboration and helps them keep track of student’s performance, identify and solve any arising problems.

However, normally, the conversations are face-to-face meetings, through emails or phone calls. This consumes much time and cost. Teachers and parents are also less likely to maintain conversations regularly as they are afraid of annoying one another.

By adopting the Digitalization Solution, which integrates communication functions, schools can eliminate all the costs and wipe out the fear.

  • Teachers and parents can communicate in a direct, free, and private way
  • They can chat with all pairs of parents using only 1 app
  • Teachers are flexible to register and arrange their conference time with parents
  • Schools can make important announcements regularly, on time, and without any cost (unlike the traditional SMS)!
Image: Helen Solution on Announcement & Communication

Thanks to such transformation, teachers and parents are more likely to discuss so that they can together help students with their performance at school.  Besides, schools also have opportunities to show their attention to their customers.

Digital transformation shapes a new way of learning

At its core, education is about students. Therefore, any movement in education will make an impact on the “end users”. Although some changes have a negative side, the digital transformation can result in a new positive way of “going to school”. Students will have the motivation to put more effort into their learning and have better results.

Image: Digital learning, by Mikhail Kuznetsov

Thanks to School Digitalization, students can also be more responsible with their work. Their schedules, scorecards, and performance track are all transparent to their teachers, parents, and school. As a result, students tend to take their classes and exams more seriously. They put more effort into learning and, therefore, achieve great performance.

All in all, School Digitalization is the key to a new future of education. It benefits all stakeholders: students, teachers, parents, and school management. The move to a digital school is of vital importance, and a trustworthy partner can help. We, Helen, are proud to be the pioneer to digitize schools. Having worked with schools since 2017 on numerous projects, we do understand the customers’ needs and trends of the industry. 

Do not hesitate to contact us, more information can be found here:

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