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Why is a smart attendance management system important?

Why is a smart attendance management system important?

Attendance” is an undetachable element of any school or classroom! For a myriad of purposes, keeping track of students, teachers, and staff attendance is crucial. However, have you ever noticed how many of your students cut classes? Do you find it challenging to notify parents or guardians promptly?  It is now necessary for your educational institutions to go for simpler, smoother, and smarter attendance tracking. 

What is a smart attendance management system? 

Traditional methods of attendance management

Traditionally, most school admins or teachers have to call students by name to mark their attendance in classes. In online classes, there are also some more “innovative” ways such as using Google Forms. Some teachers also mark attendance based on the record from Google Meet or Zoom. However, all of these traditional methods are ineffective. Calling students by name consumes too much time for a class. Google Forms is for small-scale usage only. School admins can not have an overview of all students’ participation. Google Meet, Zoom, and other platforms do not record time attendance.

Image: Manual attendance check, source from

Smart attendance management system

A digital system that enables auto-tracking of students’ participation in a school is a smart attendance management system.

The smart attendance tracking helps monitor the presence, check-in, check-out of pupils and staff. The system provides school staff, teachers, and learners with login details or cards. These help record student participation and staff timesheets. Data can be stored in a centralized site for analysis. Schools can inform parents about all this. 

How an automatic attendance marking system might work: 

  • Scan a smart RFID card to mark attendance 
  • Use biometric (fingerprints) in an access control center to mark attendance
  • Use School Mobile App to automatically update attendance 

Overall, the automatic attendance marking system simplifies and streamlines the process. Everyone wins thanks to this application!   

Key benefits of a smart attendance marking system 

Save Time for Teachers 

An efficient attendance monitoring system saves time for educators during the participation grading process. Instructors no longer have to keep track of student presence manually. A smart attendance system auto records using biometrics and RFID. If a school does not employ the said methods, teachers can use their Teacher Portal (web/app) to mark attendance. This is faster and more accurate than paperwork.

The smart system frees up time and workload for teachers. They have more time with their learners. They can now focus on improving their teaching techniques. Finally, such improvement will also contribute to the faculty’s growth as a whole.

Image: Teachers manage attendance via a system, source from Adobe Stock

Keep Parents Well-informed 

Parental improvement is important in education. Families need to be aware of their children’s discipline and performance at school. Especially in the digital era, parents would love to continuously update the status through online channels. 

When it comes to traditional methods of marking attendance, it takes time to gather all the information of all students in class. The attendance record might be not transparent enough due to a lack of evidence. 

Smart attendance marking system enables real-time tracking. In addition to that, data is also ensured accurate. And notifications can be sent to parents accordingly. And parents can now keep informed of their children’s participation in school. 

Improve Student Performance

Student achievement is intimately tied to their participation in classes. High attendance enhances student results as they stay informed about course content, test schedule, grading criteria, etc. Besides, when families stay in the loop, it is proved that there will be an increase in student attendance. 

Thanks to the smart system, families can receive notice through SMS/ email/ phone/ mobile app if a student is late or absent. Parents stay fully aware and in the loop of their children’s performance at school. This not only encourages parents to be more involved in their kids’ academic endeavors. But it also encourages learners to follow discipline and participate responsibly in class. As a result, students’ participation in class boosts, and their performance grows.

Enhance Effective Management and save schools resources  

With the smart system, school management boards can track the attendance not only of students but also of teachers, and staff. This process is totally automatic. Therefore, it requires nearly zero effort, saves schools time, cost, and human resources. 

Besides, all data can be integrated into one single management system. Reports can be generated to provide insight into any related problems. School admins can conduct analyses and make informed decisions regarding enrollment and attendance. Management is easier and more effective than ever before.

Image: Helen Solutions

For example, Helen smart management system, a module of our Digital School Solution, enables Access Control and Time Attendance: 

  • Students and teachers check-in and check-out schools and school buses with cards or fingerprints 
  • Data from the Access Control Center is integrated into the Helen system: presence/absence, check-in time, and even body temperature.
  • Parents are notified of students’ check-in/ check-out time via the parent mobile app 
  • Helen can synchronize the Access Control Center to help School Administrators manage the attendance of students, teachers, and staff at school. 

Helen Solutions also provide real-time reports on: 

  • Student attendance & reasons for absence
  • Class size & attendance report
  • Staff attendance & reasons for absence & working time

In general, the smart attendance management system minimizes paperwork and manual processes. It allows for seamless management. And it benefits all stakeholders including parents, teachers, students, and school admins. 

If you are looking for such a superior School Digitization solution, do not hesitate to drop us an inquiry at:
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